Wednesday 17 November 2010

UCLAN's TAG project - visit to Birkbeck

Today Lucy Nelson from the University of Central Lancashire came to Birkbeck to present their TAG website to members of Birkbeck's Student Services Forum.

The UCLAN TAG website has successfully provided prospective and current students with realistic information about what it's like to study at UCLAN and what support services they can access. The key different to this site, however, is that the vast majority of the content is generated by UCLAN students.

At Birkbeck we are often told by our students about great experiences they have had at the College and how studying here has changed their lives. We are now looking at other ways in which we can engage further with our students and find ways in which they can pass on their ideas, tips and experiences to other students.

Lucy's presentation outlined how they have achieved this at UCLAN and it has certainly given our members of staff a lot of ideas and inspiration, particularly for our Get Ahead: Stay Ahead project.